Make Me A Mariner
Looking To Become A Merchant Mariner?
It has been my experience in the past 25 years of sailing that getting into shipping is hard. Either you don't know the right people to point you in the right direction, or if you do, they want to help you get through all the steps it will take to get started. Let Oracle help
Most people go to sea for a rewarding career and travel the world while getting paid lots of money. Others build a nest egg for other ventures. Sailing on merchant ships is one occupation that will allow you to make money while also saving. You can live on the ship at no expense to you. Food, clothing, lodging, and travel are just some of the benefits you can expect. Many successful businessmen and women received their startup money by working in this very lucrative field. This job gives you the freedom to make life-changing decisions that can help build the generational wealth that you and your family deserve.
All our counselors have been in the industry for well over ten years and have seen the pitfall that most people run in. We offer this rare one-on-one service. It will include help obtaining the required Credentials from USCG, TWIC, and Passport. Everything you will need to catch your first ship with success. We will walk you through this process quickly and efficiently. We take pride in preparing you for your first position on a vessel.
You can obtain the required credentials and employment without going to an academy or apprenticeship program with our assistance.
There is no previous experience required to enter this unique field.
Both Male and Females can obtain the necessary credentials and employment in the U.S. Merchant Marine.
You would enter this field as an entry-level Mariner on experience necessary.
Prior Military?
We have counselors that have also been a part of the armed forces that have transitioned into this lucrative field. They will help you get into the right schools and companies to consider all of your priory expenses in the military, also if you are in the reserves. We can help get you on the fast track back to work in a field where all your time on the vessel counts for your service requirements for the year. You will enter this field with a hiring preference. Let us help you navigate this next step in your journey.
There is no age limit to becoming a U.S. Merchant Seaman. You must, however, be able to pass a physical for your Mariner Credential and pre-employment. We have had some clients who started in this field in their 50s and 60s with success.
You can move up very quickly and acquire ratings through sea-time in a particular department.
The Steward Department:
Any entry-level Mariner can qualify for this department. If you have cooking experience, cook jobs are plentiful and in demand. This department maintains the ship's interior, Cleans, takes care of ship supplies, and course food preparation. Be prepared to have to start in the Steward dept. You can also transfer to the deck or engine dept with some companies.
The Deck Department:
Entry-level jobs in this department are ordinary seaman or deckhands. The Deck dept. Maintains the ship's exterior, like chipping and painting, for instance, standing navigational watch on the bridge, assisting with cargo operations, and being responsible for driving the ship to its destination.
The Engine Department:
Entry-level jobs in this department are wipers engine utilityman. The Engine department takes care of the engines and all mechanical equipment.
The engine room has the most ratings, and you can move up very quickly.
You move up in rating and pay scale through sea time in each department. As an entry-level Mariner, your pay will vary from $4000 to $6500 a month. BUT even more important than that you will get sea time. You can get your first rating in just your first six months of sea time. As an AB, QMED, or Chief Cook, you will double your pay up to 15,000 a month.
Your goal is to get your document upgraded ASAP.
Credential requirement
The credentials required to obtain a position as an entry-level Mariner on all types of vessels are as follows
1) U.S. Merchant Mariner Credential
2) Transportation Workers Identification Credential (TWIC)
3) STCW2010 Basic Safety Training (five Day course).
4) Passport It is not required for offshore work or most inland positions.
Counseling and Maritime Credential Fees
All of your credentialing fees are paid to separate agencies and can be paid at different times. It usually takes around 3 to 6 months to get your credentials back for the Coast Guard if you are a new mariner. While waiting on the Coast guard to send you your document, you can get the other smaller agencies paid one at a time. Breaking up the payments to each agency will put less of a burden on you financially.
We recommend that you can obtain a passport to do so for more job opportunities. But if you can't get a passport, we can help with our premium passport service. We have dedicated staff and immigration lawyers who work daily on this issue.
The credentialing service includes:
Help to get an MMD
Help to get your Med Certificate
Help to get you TWIC
Scheduling class for STCW
Help to get a Passport (If you do have any mitigating circumstances)
We only charge a non-refundable consultation fee of $500.
The fee will vary case by case for our premium passport service, but on average, it's $750 to $1000.
In addition to my Consultant Service fee, there are fees for obtaining your Maritime Credentials. You pay these fees for credentials.
Maritime Credential Fees for international sailors are as follows:
U.S. Merchant Mariner Credential Processing Fee = $140.00
Transportation Workers Identification Credential (TWIC) = $125.00
U.S. Passport = $175.00 STCW95 Basic Safety Training course five days = $925to $1,000.00 (depending on where you take the course).
Physical and Drug test is (self-pay) the average for both is $150.00.
Total Fees for ENTRY LEVEL Credentials = approximately $1,600.00 (Includes optional STCW Training)
You can change your family's life for generations to come. It all starts with picking up the phone and calling Oracle Crewing today.